Wavy’s Last Day of Kindergarten

It is officially Waverly’s LAST day of kindergarten!!! 🥳 There is such a bizarre back and forth for me with these milestones, because she is SO grown up but still my little girl 💜 Today, she erred more on the side of little girl, which is just perfect!

Little goofball wore a Christmas dress to school to celebrate the last day!! 🤣 She explained to me that the dress has candy on it, and she is expecting some candy today. Logic.

I can’t believe we’re already wrapping up school, but upon specifically wrapping kindergarten, I was reminded how awesome grade one is, and how amazing she’ll do! We are incredibly fortunate to have AMAZING grade one teachers in our school. I love them both so much, and I’m excited to learn who she will have as her teacher! I don’t even have a preference, they are both awesome!

Wavy, you’re a rockstar, and I’m SO proud of how well you’re doing in school, as well as every other aspect of your life 💜 You are growing up terribly fast, and I know I’m supposed to be sad about that, but I also LOVE who you’re becoming. It is a true pleasure to be part of your life!

Happy last day, Waverly Violet 💜