You probably remember that time we had to shave Waverly’s head. If you don’t remember, you probably have noticed she has oddly shorter hair than one might think we’d keep on our children. I LOVE our long haired kids, but clearly I LOVE the short haired ones, too. When Wavy’s hair started to fall out after a particularly vicious rash/illness last summer, she began to eat it. Nope nope nope. We shaved it off fairly quickly one realizing the damage that could cause. It was hard, but necessary.

We shaved it a few times for a few appointments, but then we let it grow. Because it would still be a good while before it was actually long enough for her to pull it again, and she would likely lose the habit before then.
So far so good!
Wavy has reached an adorable state of “shaggy dog” and I love it so much. She’s bleaching out good and proper in the sun, and she just looks like summer with her little overgrown pixie cut!
I had been in touch with my hair girl around the time I shaved Wavy, and she said she could help me when the time came, and we could trim Wavy’s hair up nicely so she’d look a little cleaned up and feminine. I completely expected to take her up on this offer.

She grew a ringlet in the back!!!
It may look rat taily for the moment, but you better believe its staying!! I choose to believe it will soon be surrounded by many other curly friends!
I do hope my curly girly comes back!