How was preschool today, Wave?
Tell me about it.
Ummm… I – when we were outside, ummm, there was three sleds! So and today there was only two sleds. And when we were outside, I only got to have one turn.
Ok. Who pulled you around?
Ummm. Ummmmm. I dont know. *gasp* One time, Jxxxx and Kxxx pulled, but they were toooooo tired, hahaha!
How about inside? What was fun today inside?
Inside? My favorite part inside was making my craft. Yup. Thats my only favorite part.
What craft did you make?
I made a teddy bear out of paper.
Ok. What was special about the teddy bear?
That was fun. Ya.
Deal. Did you sing good songs today?
Yup! We got to sing our good morning song! We did! Because the power wasn’t off. It was on!
What other songs?
Christmas song… I think so. *gasp* Mrs. Hxxx has her Christmas tree up!!! There’s mitts on it!
Cool! That sounds pretty!
Yup. She had pretty Christmas lights. Different colors.
Wonderful! What else can you tell me about your morning?
Ummm… I played with… someone… with a big bin and Skye’s airplane. Different characters. Zuma was a blue one, and also orange, so… I dont know why. He was just that color.
What was the story about today?
Three baby bears and a mama bear. I dont know what they did, though.
Was snack good?
Well. Anything else you want to share with the class?
Mhmm!! I dont know what, but…

In case you were wondering how school goes for Wavy 💜 She’s a goof, but she loves life.