Wavy Won!

A fun thing happened at school yesterday. Wavy WON a MEDAL!!!!! For TRACK!!!

My kids are pretty athletic, which is fun because its something that just showed up naturally for them. So track day is a lot of fun, because its a day out of class, where they can be outside with their friends, and in a lot of cases, they do pretty well in their events.

Waverly was a fun surprise this year. With it being her first year of track, none of us had any idea how truly athletic she was, and how much she LOVED it!!! She wore big smiles on her face while she ran and jumped. She enjoyed her day SO MUCH, and yesterday, she was rewarded in a special way in front of the whole school!!! Each grade recognized two children with medals – one boy and one girl – and Wavy took the kindergarten girls medal, acknowledging her mad athleticism and gusto!

I am SO proud of my little girly!! 💜 Beautiful job, Wave! You make it look easy 😎