Wavy Weekend in a Nutshell

We only spent one night at the lake this weekend, but we went at the exact right time!! We enjoyed spending time with our Dahlsjos at the lake, over supper, and into the evening.

It was a really nice few hours 💜 Waverly even did me a solid and grew a brand new dot 😍

Do you see it there on her collarbone? Isn’t it beautiful???

We parted ways and separately witnessed the storm move in.

At one point, a few of us motored down to the beach to rescue our paddle boat that we were suspicious had been left in the water. We were correct! But I don’t have proof, because bringing my phone out there would’ve been DUMB. Lol! It POURED! Thunder and lightening were 👌 on point! And wind was crazy! It was just an awesome storm!

We woke up to a chilly day that felt more like fall camping already! But it was Wavy’s birthday, and we made it fun 💜

It wasn’t a bonkers level birthday, but we were happy to be together for the time we could be! We drove home and picked up McDonalds pancakes along the way, as per the birthday girls request. And then stopped and saved our butts when we discovered all four tires had loose lug nuts 😵 Loved that…

Now, we’re working away, cleaning up after the huge stretch of busyness our family just came off of. I barely made it home before we got ready for the lake! Ack! Lots of work to do around here, but many hands make light work!

Happy stat, guys!! The first real week of summer holidays begins tomorrow! And there is certainly a LOT to do this coming week!!! Good luck, everyone!! 💜