A couple of days ago, I finally went to check on Waverly at 11:00am having not heard from her. She was awake, but laying down quietly, not eager to get up. At all. But she needed to get up, so I got her up. Her diaper was wet through anyway, so she needed a change.
She cried through her diaper change, and did not want breakfast. So we snuggled instead.

The snuggle was as GOOD as it looks 👌 She was so smushy and quiet.
But realistically, I had other children who needed lunch and assistance along the way. So I took the girly with me. She had me in a total death grip anyway. Not complaining.

As lunch began to take shape, I could tell she was interested, but she would NOT be put down in her high chair. No way, no how. So we improvised.

I brought Waverly back to my chair and fed her Cheerios one by one. That she would tolerate, but nothing more. Maybe two sips of water at most. She was NOT hungry. Yet, with a little bit of food, she perked up a bit. Even got a little handsy 😅

She had eaten some of her Cheerios, and while she was a bit more awake, she still did NOT want to go down AT ALL. But life had to continue, and her brothers had been super independent while I was with Wavy. I needed to tuck them in. So I started to get up and move Wavy around, and she was not into it.
Until I tucked her into my chair and gave her the end of her Cheerios.

She was super into this 🙂

No joke. She still went to bed pretty quickly after this, because she was just ready for it. That little red nose really takes a little girly out!! But, goodness, she is SUCH a sweetie!

I’m SO thankful for my little band of sickies ❤️ One day, kids, we will be healthy again!