I’m not sure where the lists say different milestones are supposed to fall, but I like to celebrate them as they come my way.
In the last couple of days, Waverly has started to pretend!! It is SO cute!!
I figured it out when I thought she had a hair in her hand. We’re a hairy bunch over here, and Wavy sometimes find little hairballs (or, lets be real, big hairbsalls) and brings them to me. She used to try to eat them 😳 Seeing her with a big, long beard hair hanging out of her mouth was pretty horrifying. But now, when she finds them, she knows she shouldn’t have them, and brings them to me. Sometimes she even brings me a single hair, of which we have many. In the last couple of days, she’s come to drop something in my hand, but there is no hair. I figured she just lost it it on her way over, but thats not the case! I know now!
She has a particular toy she likes. Its a Paw Patrol hovercraft thing, with a hatch that opens. She has begun reaching into it, pulling out a little piece of air, and either popping it into her mouth, or offering it to me. I LIVE for this milestone!!
Its grown a lot in the last couple of days already 🙂 I asked her if it was a treat, and now she’ll say “teet” when she offers it out. She’ll share them with others, and sometimes even goes for the psych and will offer it, but quickly pop it into her mouth and laugh like a psychopath.

She is HILARIOUS and SMART and I’m SO PROUD of her! She’s developing beautifully. A little faster than I’d like, sometimes, but I’m so thrilled that she’s such a sweetie pie.
Oh my, that is so super cute!!! 😍💓😘
She’s adorable. And so quick witted. She knows she’s hilarious 🙂 I love that.