Today, I was going to ask Wavy a question, but I lost my train of thought, and she went with it anyway.
Me: Wavy what is your favorite thiiiiiiing…
It was really cute 💜 And her love for preschool is evident to anyone who knows her. She loves her teacher. She loves her friends. She loves the crafts, and the stories, and the songs.
But she LOVES playing outside!
Today, Cher and I drove to pick her up, and she was madly pulling a sled with a kid in it, who was in turn holding the rope of yet another sled with another kid in it!! So if you couldn’t get through that, Waverly was trying to tow two kids, and it was hilarious to watch. By the time I got her into the van, she plunked down in her seat, exhausted.
Wavy: I pulled two kids!!!
Me: Wow! How strong are you?!
Wavy: *deep sigh* Not very strong!
I got her sweaty little self home and lunched. Goodness she is just the cutest little thing!

Nap time for my little hard worker! And for myself, some lunch and some crocheting should make for a restful afternoon! Lots is on the go, little of which I have any control over, so this brain needs some extra relaxation!