While I was preparing supper yesterday, Waverly was already ready to eat. She fussed and whined on the floor like a puppy. Brady picked her up, and she just reached for the food I was chopping. So I took a risk and handed her a whole yellow pepper. Her eyes widened as she took it from me. Wavy loves peppers. I pulled out my phone, anticipating her taking a whole bite out of the thing, but instead, she went for the stem.

And aaaaall I could see was this:

A beach bum with a bevy!
It probably doesn’t help that we’ve dug through her clothes recently and pulled out some seasonally appropriate clothing in her current size. That includes little shorts, tank tops, and swimwear!! 🤩

Goodness, she is SO sweet!! The palm tree pony doesn’t hurt, either.
I’m so excited to see what summer will hold for this little nugget. We’ll definitely have our hands full on the beach, as she is very eager to join her siblings in whatever they’re doing. She’ll be crawling all over the place, destroying our beach blankets and eating sand. I wonder when she’ll start walking. With the way she pulls up with only one hand, I can’t imagine its too far off. But as I’ve said before, she’s our earliest mover by far, so I don’t want to count my chickens.
Either way, I’ll take it! I’m ready for it, and so is she! And so is the rest of the family, really. We’re halfway through June! Summer is aaaaalmost here!
What a sweetie!! Awww….. so cute!!!⛱😍💓
She’s pretty much adorable 🙂