I haven’t always been very confident in the kitchen. Thats not a secret. I’m still not really, but I’ve never been the fun mom who has her kids in there, elbow deep in whatever she is cooking or baking. But yesterday, Waverly really wanted to help make granola bars. So I let her. And she was kind of awesome!!

She scooped the oats and the rice krispies all by herself. It was terribly cute. Look at that little tongue!
Of course, it took her an extra little while, so I did the rest of the dry ingredients, as well as all the sticky stuff. She was really happy to be involved. We made two batches together, and nothing flopped, haha! So I think that alone shows some personal growth, hahaha!
We made a batch with mini chips and sprinkles, and a batch with candy coated chocolate balls and craisins.

They weren’t perfect. All the mini chips melted this time, so they’re kind of chocolatey, but not with pieces. But maybe that’ll be better?? And because the chocolate in the other batch was coated, it didn’t melt, and therefore it didn’t add any sticky factor, so those ones turned out a little more crumbly.

I wrapped them all up with press n seal, and we’re good to go for another aaaaalmost two weeks.

This round cut into 46 bars. So, nine days.

Regardless of how perfectly they came together, Wavy ate all the crumblies off the island and confirms that it all tastes really good 🙂

I’ve come to really like making these things. I wish I had the same love for the pizza buns but I really don’t, haha! Any other good sandwich substitutes that I can reasonably make for five kids lunches, lay them on me!