Wavy is storing food in her cheeks in preparation for hibernation.
Wavy ate a pingpong ball.
Wavy got elephantiasis.
Wavy was recruited by the TMNT and got kicked in the face by a swamp rat.
Wavys chubby cheeks are asymmetrical.
Wavy slept wrong.
Wavy tried to contour her cheekbones and failed miserably.
Wavys hamburger wasn’t quite done and she got bit by the cow.
Wavy was kissed on the cheek by Chuck Norris.
Wavy blew a bubble with her gum and it inverted.
Wavy resorbed her twin.
Wavy is always ready to be a golf caddy.
Wavy bit her lip.
Wavy is packing lindor chocolates.
Wavy ate a watermelon seed, and it’s starting…

Or Wavy got bit by a mosquito. It’s anyone’s guess.
Oh dear. Poor little Wavy. And yet she smiles. What a sweetheart.