I took Wavy to the doctor today for a routine appointment. After an incredibly taxing morning with the three littlest ones, I was SO ready to get on the road, put on some good music, and get out of the house.
There was ONE parking spot left in the entire parking lot, and after just a little readjusting, I got into it. Brady was already there to meet me and hang out with the little boys when I went in with Waverly. I tried to feed Wavy one last time before going in, but she wouldn’t have it. So I took her in a little grumpy, but very very cute, as always.

The parking lot may have been FULL, but the office was not. Wavy and I waited maybe five minutes before we were called back. The same woman who always calls us was there, and as usual, just gushed over Waverly. I got her all undressed and we weighed her. She weighed in at 16 lbs 10 oz, which is what I had written four days ago on her monthly update post. So either she didn’t gain any weight, or my scale has some wiggle room, but at least we know its close! She’s about 26″ tall, putting her up there in height. Good work, Wavy!

He checked everything over and seemed quite enamoured with her. She was less enamoured with his ice cold hands but never even cried. Just seemed to startle at every touch. She cooperated well and was super pleasant. We’re so spoiled. She makes it look pretty easy.
She passed everything with flying colors. Clear lungs, clear ears, eating and sleeping, peeing and pooping, etc. She does all the right stuff at all the right times. We talked about solid food and milestones. We talked about how gorgeous she was, her soft hair and skin.

We covered the usual topics of Christmas, school, and a few other things. Its so comfortable there. I tend to feel like everyone is my friend, and my doctors are SO friendly, but they’re definitely still doctors, and professional, which is good. We’re so fortunate to have the doctors we have.
When I brought Wavy back to the van, Brady and the boys had driven to Tim’s and brought me back a coffee. I already felt refreshed just having a little break with Wavy, chatting with my doctor, and having a few HUGE laughs over embarrassing childhood memories. Top it all off with a coffee and I was feeling pretty good! Unfortunately, Brady headed back to work after that, and I went home with the crazies.

Overall, if one can “win” at a doctors appointment, Wavy did.
All the nurses there are SO sweet to her.
She didn’t pee on anything inappropriate.
She didn’t cry.
She smiled at her doctor.
She’s high in the percentiles.
She’s HEALTHY! That one is probably more important that the others 😉
Mad skills, Wavycakes! I am SO proud of you and your mad health/social skills! Way to be the sweetest little baby girl ever!