I’ve had this particular kind of amber necklace in mind for Wavy for a while now. I’ve seen them on Etsy, Pinterest, and really all over the internet. Its a basic yellow amber necklace, but it has one small bundle of stones on it that made up a little rainbow. I LOVE this idea for her, for so many reasons! Not only does it follow along with Wavy being our rainbow baby, but she has also added color to our lives like we never could’ve expected. I LOVE this idea!!
We usually get our amber necklaces from the same person, but she doesn’t have the rainbow ones. This is part of the reason I’ve been holding off on buying her one. The ones on Etsy are expensive. I also like going to someone I trust to give me real amber and not the phoney stuff. But over the last little while, Wavy has become just a liiittle bit fussier than usual, and a liiiiittle bit droolier. Placebo or not, I wanted to get this girly an amber necklace.
So I did something I kinda didn’t think I’d do. I gave her the amber necklace we had bought for Jamin.
I’m not sure if it makes me feel warm and cozy, or sad and weird. Still mulling that. However, it does seem to have settled out some of the mad drool action. So I’m thankful. But its different, for sure. I guess Jamin never really had a chance to give tangible gifts, so maybe this is the one time he can
Lucky little girly she is to get to wear her brother’s necklace. What an honour.