Waverly Turns Three

Wavy is celebrating her third birthday at the lake, among friends and family, on possibly the hottest week of the summer. We hope so, anyway! 🤞

Wavy’s last year has been HUGE.

You’ll notice she went bald halfway through the year. Maybe you remember or maybe you don’t, but Wavy got a crazy rash that refused to quit last summer. She ended up on strong steroids, and as a result, her hair started falling out. Once she started eating the hairballs, we made quick decisions and shaved the rest off. She, being herself, didn’t miss a beat.

Waverly Violet is friendly and sweet. She likes to hold back on new people and pretend to be shy, but its all a facade. She is hopelessly social and very ahead of the game on a lot of things. She knows all of her colours, though mixes up blue and green from time to time. Otherwise, she’s got them down. She counts pretty close to 20. She loves to pretend with her siblings, and she builds the coolest things out of magformers. She “reads” a lot, and tries to write her name, which is super wrong but super adorable.

Wavy is frightfully independent, and loves to do as much as humanly possible on her own. It makes both easier and harder.

I carry some grief with Wavy aging specifically. Never before have I had a three year old without having another baby on the way, much less another baby born. Our largest age gap was 25 months before this. I don’t know why I’m saying this. I just want to be honest. I can’t believe my youngest is three. I never would’ve thought she’d be our youngest. She is SUCH a big sister. Its just in her. Who knows whats still to come, I suppose.

I am beyond grateful for this little morsel. She lit our family right up with her birth, her contentment, and her soft nature. She was a gift to us at exactly the right time. God knew we needed her, and He continues to know what we need.

My Waverly Violet, you are my reminder that we can conquer crazy difficult things through Christ who strengthens us!! I am abounding with love for you, and I am incredibly excited to see the woman you grow to be in the years to come. But, sweet girl, I beg of you – stay little for just a while longer.

Happy birthday, sweet Wavy Vi!


Wow, well said Hailey! 💖 You are such a great Mom! 😊
Happy Birthday, Waverly!
You are such a sweet special, loved girl!
Lots and lots of hugs and love!
Grama and Grampa Born💗🎉🎂😎😍