Waverly Turns Six

Was it not just the other day when…

Waverly Violet was an incredibly bright light that was born into our family six entire years ago. What an enormous gift she was for us; a gift that just keeps on giving!

As if she wasn’t already a total stunner immediately upon birth, she just gets more and more beautiful 💜 Who even knew that was possible?!

Wavy has lots of funny little details that make her her. There is no one else quite like her!

No one else styles like she does! This particular ensemble consists of her dressiest dress and her fleece onesie, tied around the waist.

No one crafts like her, or rocks their creations as well as she does. She is always so proud of what she makes, and rightfully so!!

No one helps as cute as she does. If she’s not interested in helping, she’s usually pretty polite about it, with a high pitched “hmmm, no thanks!” But if I ask her to help anyway, she’ll giggle and say “Ok, sure” with a smile on her face.

No one sleeps as softly as she does. She has always slept SO quiet, and she looks so cozy and soft.

Bottom line. Waverly is easy to love. Truly, to know her is to love her 💜

Her main request for her birthday was that everyone would come sing to her in the morning, and she LOVED that 💜

Who knew Wavy would bring so much joy and comfort and healing and silliness to our family? Only God! He knew exactly who we needed around here, and He gave us exactly the right person.

And here she is, growing like a weed, when I have specifically asked her not to. Man alive.

I LOVE you, dear Wavy. My precious youngest daughter. The baby I feared would never come after so much loss. You are a gift, and I hope you always feel loved and celebrated the way you did this morning with your siblings all piled on your bed 💜 You are deeply loved by those around you.

Praise God for Wavy!