Waverly Violet is officially FOUR years old 💜

She lived her third year of life with SO much love and energy, brightening up every single day for just about everyone she encountered.

Wavy is a ray of sunshine, undeniably. To know her is to love her. And she is loved by many! There is no lack in that department. Her closest people include her parents and siblings, her grandma Jeanne, her auntie Cher, her honorary grandparents Tom and Rae, and our lake friends, the Dahlsjo’s, who dote on her, left right and centre.

Wavy loves puzzles. Hamilton. Running. Singing. Her white hat. George Ezra’s song “Shotgun.” Oranges. Being the centre of attention.

Wavy doesn’t dislike too much. Hot food. Sometimes she gets nervous around new adults. She is deeply reactive to bug bites so I’m pretty sure she dislikes those. She doesn’t like being told what to do, but who does? Really, she is terribly easy going and doesn’t fight about much.

I don’t usually struggle with my kids aging, to be honest. I know I’m supposed to, but I LOVE watching them grow and develop, and I just LOVE getting to know them better! I am, however, struggling with my youngest growing up so much faster than I expected.

At age four, she will be entering preschool next year. She is potty trained. She can zip her own zippers and open her own granola bar. She speaks clearly and understands seemingly everything. She does dishes and takes responsibility for her things. Which is amazing. But wasn’t she just a baby??

My heart was not ready to be done with babies. Not even close. But goodness. I could not have asked for a better setup with Wavy being our youngest one during these last few years. She brings such a light to our life.

You are dearly loved by many, sweet Wavy Vi. I cannot believe how grown up you are already, but I am LOVING every minute I spent with you! You are truly a delight to be around, and everyone who has the pleasure of knowing you would agree. What a gift you are 💜 Consider me your head cheerleader, eagerly anticipating what you’ll end up doing with your life, where you’ll go and with whom. I hope I’m invited 💜 I LOVE having you in my life. Your family is so fortunate to have you, dear girl!

Thank you, Lord, for Waverly.