Some of you people know all about these, but I’ve never had one before. My kids historically HATE baths until they’re quite a bit older. And trust me, we’ve tried everything. They’re just not fans. Showers are even worse. They HATE them. But suddenly, we have a water baby. Waverly LOVES the bath. She can’t wait to get into the bath. Seriously… She doesn’t wait…

Today, we rocked a good old fashioned bath. And by “old fashioned bath,” I mean they all shared the same water. I know, I know, judge if you must, but it was the CUTEST bath ever! And you know why? Because Wavy bathed with everyone!!!

Is this not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?? 😍 I am SO smitten with these little loves. Waverly splashes and chews toys and dumps water and they all laugh and laugh and laugh.

I’m SO thankful to finally have a kid who loves baths. I think she’s a big part of why my other kids like baths now, too. Thank you, Wavy! For that, and so much more.