Yesterday was a day of firsts. Three firsts, in fact.
We have never had a sting of any kind amongst our kids, but yesterday was the day for it!! Yikes!
Dekker was first. He and Laela were filling up the wagon with wood when he got attacked. He got stung on the arm and then over on the other hand. He was across the campground, but was lovingly walked back to our site by another caring dad, and someone who was just visiting for the day helped Laela fill the wagon and bring it back 💜 Everyone was so caring. It was awesome.

Towards the end of the day, Rowan could be heard screaming like he was being skinned alive. Before I could even go run for him, he was at our site, bawling, holding his eye. Braden was closely behind, as his youngest had been with Rowan when he got stung. Unfortunately, it turned out that his son got hit, too :/ Yet he still chased after Rowan to make sure he got back to us safe 💜
Needless to say, Rowan was in quite a bit of distress. He had never had a sting, and on the eye is just so scary. I convinced him to let me put a wet paper towel on it but that was IT. He wasn’t pumped. The snuggle was good, though.

As today stands, everyone is ok. Dekker is completely over it and when asked by someone, he had forgotten. Rowan still looks like he got a bite, but he’s happy and is more amped about the great story 😆

My goodness he is just the CUTEST little thing! 😍
Aaaaanyway. Firsts. They’re not always exciting fun milestones but they’re things we go through, and my big strong boys are more than fine! Just a little bit more experience to share 🙂