Today was home time. Our last day of our vacation. We changed our schedule up a bit so our morning ran smoother.
Brady and I got up a bit earlier than usual and packed what we could on the main level that wasn’t the kitchen. When that was done, I went upstairs to retrieve the kids. I got them dressed and made sense of their clothes in the bedrooms so it would be really quick to repack. Once everyone descended to the main floor, we had an easy breakfast of cereal. No bakery, but there was a little change there. They happily ate, and doddled hard, distracted by our packing and bustling around. But it kept them contained, so we could get lots done. We still chatted and had a good time, but we were all where we needed to be.
We finished loading up maybe a half hour early, and on our way out, we saw the building owner was on site! We hadn’t expected to see her! We decided to drop our key off in person rather than leaving it on the table inside. She seemed happy to see us again, and kept reaching for the kids hands, wanting to touch their faces and hair, etc. She was SO smitten. It was really lovely. While we were visiting, another guest came by to speak to her, and remembered us from last summer!! It was pretty crazy, but she was nothing but sweetness herself. It was just like hanging out with friends. I loved it.
Once we finally got our butts into the van, we drove a bit further into town and hauled the kids into the grocery to pick a bakery item for themselves. They were happy to pick, and the staff was super lovely to them. We left with our variety of danishes, fruit sticks, and muffins.

Rowan doddled pretty hard so the others played…

…and eventually, we could all go!
We hit the beach for one last hurrah at the playground! The kids were really happy 🙂

Wavy even started to get a bit more used to the sand…

buuuuut really just wanted to eat rocks. She was NOT impressed when I put a stop to that.

Finally, it was time to legitimately leave town. However, my friend, Hailey, was at her parents cabin this weekend just outside of Waskesiu, and she a new baby I had yet to squeeze!! So that pitstop was VERY important!!!

I’m so glad we stopped. Goodness he’s a good baby. He squeezed good.
The kids were happy, too.

We left for home after SUCH a nice visit. I wish Hailey and I saw each other more often. I love her and her family so much <3
The drive home was quick and painless! It helped that the kids had their new toys from the chalet owner to play with 🙂 We stopped in PA, did not get out of the vehicle this time, but drove through McDonalds for some fries. We also had been gifted some candy, so we split that up between everyone, making for a very yummy mid-afternoon snack. When we got home, no one was out of sorts or upset. It had been a good drive.
Of course, we arrived home to more gifts on our island, for our beautiful kids to help entertain them through the rest of the summer. I am SO fortunate to have such a warm support system for my kids! <3 Thank you EVERYONE who puts into them. I am forever grateful.

The kids opened and enjoyed their new stuff while Brady and I unpacked like mad men. We got it ALL unpacked. I can’t even believe it. I think a lot of that, though, was due to us NOT overpacking this year! I’d always rather overpack than underpack, but this year, we kind of hit the nail on the head! We didn’t have a ton of food to bring back, and the vast majority of our clothes ended up as laundry. It unpacked easily. Since thats finished, our family has inhaled an absurd amount of scrambled eggs and toast, and its just about bedtime.
As always seems to happen, we hit the sweet spot with our trip. I am SO happy and thankful we could be at the lake for the week, but I am SO happy to be home. I can’t wait to have a soak and sleep in my own bed.