Today, Brady and I got to walk together, just the two of us. I wish I had pictures, but I was trying to be very concentrated on him and his steps, so that’ll have to come down the road. For now, we’re just enjoying our relaxed walk through the rehab ward. He is getting SO smooth on his forearm crutches, its crazy! With a well fitted AFO and a strong pair of shoes, plus his growing confidence and stability, he is well on his way to going for walks without any assistance. I am SO proud of his immense progress!!
Together, we walked from his room to each end of his chunk of the rehab ward three times in one walk. Three full laps of the hallway. The furthest he’s ever walked in one walk! He showed me the sunroom at one end of the hall, with couches and flowers and movies. Seriously though, don’t stand too close to the windows. You do NOT want to fall into those plants!

Once his body was tired enough, we headed back to his room and played some skipbo. I destroyed him for a couple of rounds, and then he crushed (crutched) me a couple of times. It was a really really nice way to spend time together.

We had such a nice time, but then I realized I couldn’t count and I had been at the hospital considerably longer than I thought I had. So I packed it up and headed on out. It was sad to leave. Today felt like SUCH a nice visit, I wish I could’ve stayed and stayed. But I’m grateful for the time I do get, and that its possible for me to go just about every day.
I am SO proud of Brady, and the amazing strides he is making!! As we hone in on his projected discharge day, we pray God’s covering over him. Please feel free to do the same.