A great night last night! The kids were nice and bushed from throwing rocks and playing in the water.

Brady and I stayed up playing cards, eating snacks, and even watched a movie, which we almost never do. It was so cozy! Wavy only woke up once, around 2:30, and went right back! Woot!
I grabbed some bakery goods for breakfast, and we made our way to the playground for the morning. We’ve had the promise of a storm following us all day, yet it keeps being pushed further and further back. I’m still hoping it comes overnight!! Meanwhile, everyone back at home is under threat of a tornado! THAT can stay away, but a thunderstorm would be welcome.
We didn’t take too many pictures at all at the playground, mostly because we just wanted to sit this time. It wasn’t too full, so we could pretty easily keep an eye on each kid most of the time. If we were ever short one, we’d tip off the kid closest to us and they’d go run, and bellow when they located their sibling. They did a great job!! Laela and Dekker both conquered their fears of the fireman pole. Rowan set up camp on a big bear statue and made friends with any kids who happened by. Solly got brave, too, and went down the biggest slide over and over again. He was SO pleased with himself. Brady and I sat on a bench with Wavy.

She was still not fond of sitting in the sand, but she loved watching her siblings play. When they caught on to that, they played closer to her. Laela would fly down the slide and run to our bench where Wavy was flapping madly, with her hands outstretched. Waverly recently picked up on high fives, and gets so excited when her siblings offer her one.

She also dances when we suggest it. She’ll do it ALL when she’s jazzed about something, like her siblings playing on the playground! Just wait for her to join in next summer!! <3 How crazy is it that her baby party was just over a year ago??? What a time that was…
Post-playground, we headed home for lunch.

Things weren’t going quite so smoothly at that point, so lunch was short and unceremonious, and all five kids went down for a nap afterwards. Our suspicion is that, while we slept soundly, the kids maybe were up a bit in the night, because they were all acting like the hadn’t gotten any sleep! So nap time was in order, and everyone slept! Woot! Except Brady and I. We enjoyed movie night last night, so we made a movie nap time, too. We watched “The Net.” Brady had never seen it, so that needed to be rectified.
With the clouds staying grey and the cool wind picking up, we decided to stay close to home this afternoon. Everyone got baths.

We spent the rest of the afternoon making forts around Wavy and listening to Brady play guitar. It was actually super lovely.
Supper was pizza, veggies, and pringles. For the kids, anyway. Brady and I decided we deserved a treat after they went to bed, and will be indulging in some asian food right away here. Cantonese chow mien is pretty much my favourite thing, and Brady always loves ginger beef. We actually had a little ginger beef snack the other day, and apparently its an itch that needs to be scratched again!
I want to say sorry for the less-than-riveting post, but it was a less-than-riveting day, and we like to keep it real 😉 Have a great night!! Try and not be out in the tornado…