It’s been a really, really nice morning <3 I spent it chatting with my neighbour over coffee while we watched Waverly play. It was a first coffee date for us – the first of many, I hope – and we had a really time. Christmas music played as we chatted kids, family, plans, work, etc. Wavy didn’t last, unfortunately. She was a little on the fussier side, as she rubbed her ears and cried on and off. She went down for a super early nap in the late morning.

My mom came and joined us, and as lunch approached, my neighbour headed back home to her husband and son. My mom asked if she could help with any lunch set up and I realized I needed to come up with an actual lunch plan. It was already after noon! Whoops!
I settled on waffle grilled cheese. Have you guys had that? It goes like this.
Make a waffle in the waffle maker. Once its done, open the waffle maker and put cheese (sliced or shredded off the block) on half of the waffle. Fold the waffle in half to sandwich the cheese, and lean the waffle maker closed until the cheese melts. Boom. Waffle grilled cheese.
These things are ridiculously delicious. They’re like butter. My goodness.
We all ate lunch, except Wavy, and the nappers napped. As it tends to happen, once everyone was down, Wavy woke up. While Brady and I played cards with my mom, Wavy ate her waffle grilled cheese. And that aaaaall on its own could be a blog post.
It was pretty much adorable, and while it doesn’t look so appetizing here, I think Waverly would vouch that her lunch was delicious.
My mom left after a couple of card games, and Wavy couldn’t fathom her leaving. She kept reaching up and grasping with her hands, wanting up. They had a really nice snuggle before mom hauled out.

The afternoon will be super chill and restful, or at least thats the plan. Maybe I’ll knit. Maybe we’ll finally pick out the kids Halloween costumes from our dress-up clothes. Maybe the music will keep playing all day long, now that we were gifted Spotify. Either way, its going to be a lovely end to the day and start to the week.