Waffle Brunch

I slept HARD last night! Anyone else? Was something in the air, or was it just me? Regardless, it was such a good, refreshing sleep, and I’m feeling pretty good so far today 🙂 My bad is quite sore, which is disappointing because I just had a chiropractic treatment yesterday, but I also slipped and fell on the ice leaving my appointment, heading to my van :/ So I guess its to be expected. Merp.

We invited my parents to join us for waffles this morning. Its become a bit of a tradition. Its not every weekend, but probably every other ish? Its so fun to have a house full, and the general chaos of getting food on while kids play, stories are read, music is going, and we’re all visiting. Its loud and busy and we love it!

My parents got to our place around 9:00 and after a while, everything was ready to go. We ate our collective body weight in waffles, whipped cream, breakfast sausage, fruit salad, and coffee. It was so delicious, and no one was quick to get up afterwards. Except the kids, of course, who don’t feel the weight of the food as much as the lift of the whipped cream and syrup 😉 They were raring to go, while the rest of us sat for a bit and caught up. It had been a while, so there was a lot of ground to cover. Time flew, as usual, and very quickly, Solly was crying and slumped on Brady, in desperate need of a nap. Poor weepy baby.

So my parents headed home to take on their afternoon of house cleaning, and we gave the kids a small lunch/snack before napping the little ones. We may venture into the city for a few errands this afternoon yet, but maybe not. Its a low pressure day 🙂 As Saturdays are meant to be!