Vehicle Shopping

Like I mentioned, Brady is home today and tomorrow, which is awesome. We have a big long list of things to do over these two days, but we decided to be adults and choose our priorities. Today, our main priority was test driving a vehicle we have our eyes on.

We dropped Dekker and Laela off at my moms after breakfast, and headed into the city with Rowan and Solly. We drove through the dealership parking lot, found the vehicle, and then went to park. We brought the boys along, and were directed to the right office. After a short visit and a photocopy of both of our licenses, Brady and I, Rowan and Solly, and Mike all loaded up and took off!

We got out on the highway, and drove home, where Brady and I switched spots, and I drove back to the dealership. Our salesman kept chatting with Rowan, who chatted back. It was cute. When Brady and Mike ducked out to go look in the hood, Rowan and I took selfies.


We’re grownups.

After a few minutes, Mike left and said we could take all the time we need, so we all climbed back in and visited for a while. When we knew we were on the same page, we picked up the boys and headed in to talk numbers.

And it was such an interesting meeting!! We sat across from our salesman and waited for him to start his sales pitch. We waited for some pressure. We waited, and waited. And he looked back at us, very comfortably, and broke out the very basic numbers that we already knew, giving us a price that was far better than we expected, all things included.

“Thats it!” he said. “I’ll speak to my manager and see what the rest looks like.” And that was IT! No pushing us to buy anything extra, nothing deceptive or evasive. Nothing. We told him that we had a pretty crappy time of it with our last vehicle purchase and he was very reassuring in saying that he would not pull the wool over our eyes. “No smoke or mirrors here,” he kept saying. And we believe him.

We walked out happy, and drove home in our old van, with lots to think about. It was SO interesting not having a ticking clock put on our hypothetical deal. Whether we end up going back and making an exciting purchase in the next little while, or we don’t, or we go somewhere else for something else, this was SUCH a positive experience, and I want to keep it on record. Not all salespeople are deceitful. Some are really down to earth.