I prepped for camp today, among other things. Much was already done. Four of the kids had packed their things already. One needed a bit of help, and one is entirely dependent on me 😂 So we got the last of the kiddos packed up, and started to tie up the loose ends.
I’ve begun over preparing with the food. Really, I think I’m actually just preparing for every meal really well, but we’ve started sharing many meals with the Dahlsjos, so we share food, and the amounts fluctuate depending on which kid from which family prefers what food. Lately, they have invited us to have Saturday supper with them, and it’s grown into a really lovely tradition! In turn, we have all the kids at our camper the next morning for s’mores for breakfast 😅 It hardly compares, but it’s a really lovely system and we are so grateful for the routine we’ve struck.
Todays prep held a mountain of chopping. It’s a very veggie heavy weekend!!

I prepared for chunky chicken salads, potato packs in the fire, and broccoli salad. And cold veggies at lunch like always. So much food!! I’m excited to eat it ALL. Outside. With friends and family.
Thank you Lord for all You provide for us, your children. We are endlessly grateful 💜