Thankfully, today has been considerably better! I took Dekker to and from school, I wore real clothes and cared about my hygiene to an extent, and we even went out and ran more errands. My gosh, its CRAZY how much there is to do these days!! We were in the city Monday and Tuesday, and will be again Friday and Saturday. Goodness!!! There’s never a shortage of things to do!
Dekker was super excited for pirate day today, and of course I forgot to take a picture of him 🙁 Fail. But the rest of us got some serious grocery shopping on at both Superstore and Costco!
Anyone else change their kid in the back hatch? Conveniently, this was at our first stop, so there was still room back there!
Just trying on shorts in the middle of Superstore, no big deal.
We did all of our grocery shopping and made it back to town to unload everything. Except in that moment, both little boys had fallen asleep. It was definitely too late to lay them down at home for real naps, so instead, we drove to a nearby town for McFlurries. Because YUM! Its SO hot today!
We eventually made our way home and unloaded/put away all the groceries. We picked up the mail and went through that. We picked Dekker up. We got aaaaall the things done. I even added a few of our purchases to my pile of hospital bag stuff that is slowly coming together. But as usual, I’ll talk more about that on Monday’s series post.
Stay cool these days, friends! Don’t overdo it out there! If you do decide to venture out, stop by for some cold brewed coffee! We’re trying to perfect our blend for Bambina’s party and would love some input! We like it strong but don’t want to blow anyone away, haha! This is a legitimate invite!