Unproductive – or maybe not…..

The last couple of days have felt pretty unproductive. Yet, if I can look back without looking at what I hoped to all get done, or what parts of me say I should have gotten done, I think I actually did alright!!

Yesterday, I had some goals, and I didn’t accomplish too many because a certain lemon drop decided instead of cry aaaaall the livelong day if not being held. So. While that was challenging, I had a few minutes here and there where the baby would doze in the swing, or flap on the floor for a short time, and I would work in the kitchen. And by the end of the day, I had made not only my big batch of banana bread, but a double big batch!!! EIGHT loaves!

Of course, surrounding them you can see laundry, jackets, amazon boxes, a wii controller, a cooler, etc. This place is a mess, but the banana bread is baked! Hahaha! I cute each loaf into ten pieces and that was that. Boom. Eighty items to be breakfasts, part of lunches, or snacks. Believe it or not, with eight kids, seven of which are eaters, that doesn’t last long!

Even though thats basically all I got done yesterday, it counted.

And then today, while my morning wasn’t especially busy with getting things done, this afternoon I went to my very last counselling appointment.

I had a beautiful setup with my counsellor as she went through her residency, and now she is moving on to her next adventure, taking a job in a new province, on her own. Only my BEST wishes for her moving forward! We had a really lovely thing, and I will miss our appointments, but she sure gave me a lot to chew on over the last couple of years, and some great help to grow me closer to the person I want to be. I will miss her. I have no regrets.

I rushed home from that appointment, scooped my family up, and rushed everyone back into the city for one of our babies to visit with their mom. It was a really lovely interaction at both pickup and drop off, and it left me feeling hopeful for what is to come for their family 💜 I’m not naive. I know how things go. Its not perfect, or foolproof, or even simple. Its brutal. All of it. But todays visit left a good taste in my mouth and a sweet end to the day.

And now, I am beat. And I have much to do still. But there is probably still, what, an hour before my eyes will finally give up and close for the night?? I’ll use it wisely!

Goodnight, friends 💜 Sleep deep. In an hour or three.