Unexpectedly Busy

Really, I have no excuse to be “unexpectedly busy.” I should really have learned to expect it by now, hey? I chose my life and I truly do love it! And with it comes a pretty messy schedule sometimes!

Today, Cher came to clean at our place, and first thing in the morning, I got a text from a social worker than LD was very much wanted in the city in the next two hours or so. I hemmed and hawed but not for long, because that is what I signed up for 💜 No regrets. Cher stayed and babysat the others so I could run LD in without having to accommodate the others. Thank you, Cher! 💜 That made all the difference!!

I came home, ate lunch, and finished up a project I had going. Kids came home. Green bag homework was done. Piano was practiced. And before long, I was hauling the whole gang out the door to head to a visit for another one of the babies.

In the city, we dropped babe off and then drove to Value Village. I actually went into it with a list of some actual needs, and sadly, it was something of a bust. Merp. Not completely, but mostly. Brady took the kids out for supper and then home. I finished up my shop and headed to pick baby up again.

We drove home and I sang along with Wicked and cried some tears, as I do when I drive these days. Got home and dropped baby in the garage with Laela and Dekker. I sniped the laptop and headed out to a meeting regarding the spring musical.

And now I’m home, and I am so unbelievably ready for bed, its not even funny 😅

First snack time. Then sleeping.