and a bus! Can you see them?
When Brady got home from church, I gave him gift. I had given him part of his gift (new board shorts) a while back so he’d have them for Fairmont, but I gave him some BBQ stuff today too. Can’t wait til he gets out there and starts grilling!
We made scalloped potatoes and delicious fish fillets for supper again. I’m sooo happy about the new fish! What do you guys like to do with fish fillets? So far I just fry them up with butter and salt. Anything delicious that I don’t know about? Favorites?
Supper was delicious, but lead into a pretty trying evening with the kids, sending them to bed a half hour early. It would have been more too, if I thought they’d sleep past 7:00am, but them won’t. And tomorrow, I’m nervous about. Laela has her appointment for her eyes, and its a bit weirdly timed. If she doesn’t sleep in the van, she’ll be in quite a state. She’ll also need to eat right around her appointment time, so she may hate life. I’m not sure how it’ll go. But she’s a baby, and the people she will see work with kids all day, so I’m thinking they won’t be too put off. I can only do so much! Once again, Willa has offered to take Dekker for the hour or two that we’ll be at the hospital, so that is completely awesome. We’ll be able to focus solely on Laela 🙂 Thanks again!
I’m so looking forward to this evening. Laela is just finishing off her milk, the bath is run, and there are fresh peaches stinking up our cupboard, and I mean that in the best possible way! Can’t wait!!!
I know my kids are certainly blessed to have Brady as their dad!
Who would have ever thought that the two of us would make such incredible children?! If not for Brady, I wouldn’t be a mother! And we wouldn’t have Dekker and Laela. I love you, hubs.
Sleep deep, all. And to any male readers (if I have any??) the happiest of Fathers Day to you, whether current fathers, or potential 🙂