I am LOVING the rain these days 🌧 LOVING the rain! Yesterday was truly my favorite kind of day – grey and rainy, but not miserably cold. No hail or sleet. No danger of flooding. Just beautiful rain.
Cher and I went for a long walk in the morning rain. It was so muddy along the road we were walking, so we took a different route home and did a lap around the pond on the way home. We came across a couple of geese, which isn’t unusual. Have you seen the cute little news stories where there are mother ducks with upwards of fifty babies following behind? They’re tagged all over my large family facebook groups. Yesterday, however, we saw a couple of geese, swimming to the edge of the pond, with only one little fuzzy yellow baby. I wonder if even animals have jealousy in regards to things like that, as humans occasionally pine for things we want but can’t seem to acquire. Having babies, specifically, is SUCH a hard subject for those who want to grow their family and, for one reason or another, cannot. I don’t want to delve into the subject too deep, but I wonder if animals feel the same. I wonder if those geese see the big duck families and get some angst. Maybe not. I have no idea.

Anyway 🤷♀️ 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆 💜
The rain poured all day. We ate honey chicken for supper, because comfort food. The heat was on so the windows could be open. It was my kind of day.
After the kids went to bed, Brady, Cher, and I played Skipbo for a couple of hours and ate popcorn. It was SO chill.

And when the time came where we “should’ve” probably gone our separate ways for the night, we decided to watch a movie instead. So we watched Juno, went to bed late, and woke up to more rain.
It was a lovely day.
Our garden is SO watered. Lol! Almost too much so. Our rain barrel is overflowing. I cannot wait for all the green things that will surface in the coming days!! Eek! 🌱