Two Year, Holmes

Or, rather, two years home.

Brady came home from his stay at City Hospital two years ago. What a wild day that was. Not that it was especially busy or chaotic, but it was a LOT for the heart.

I think I can safely say that we feel more ourselves than we even did before he left. It has helped immensely to have our corner positively loaded down with supportive people 💜

Brady’s first day home was spent taking pictures, sipping coffee, visiting, driving kids around in a wheelchair, and reading cards.

Two years later, we are home, with Brady fighting off some nasty sickness. I blame Wavy. But I also thank Wavy, because it allowed Brady to be home from work today.

Its a significant day. Two years ago, Brady left the hospital. Five years ago, Cher’s brother left this earth. Life and loss are both interesting things. Both of those scenarios have left their mark on the people involved. We can celebrate and mourn in both cases. God has remained GOOD through both brutally difficult situations, and we are grateful to Him for being consistently GOOD to us.

So, we sip iced capps for Scott, and we watch a movie with a late, easy supper with Brady.

It’s a good day. Happy Friday 💜