Like a jerk, I ordered groceries in this miserable weather. Which I actually try really hard not to do! I wanted to order yesterday or the day before but it felt more mean with the storm risk upon us. Today was less risky, but super cold. Anyway.
I’m stocked up nicely now on most of the fresh things I need for the week, plus all the other lunchy things we need, and some extras, such as coffee, chicken thighs, and baby snacks. I had the pleasure of having my brother and his kids come visit for a few hours today 💜 so you can imagine my impromptu grocery carrying crew was very cute.
Our company left around suppertime, and I felt a little lazy, so we hacked into a couple of the loaves of banana bread the kids and I had baked earlier in the day. Everyone had banana bread, cheese, and oranges. While the kids ate, Brady and I prepped some food. He bagged banana bread while I chopped up veggies for lunches. I like working in the kitchen together 💜

There is always more to do, though. I have some reorganizing I want to do in the pantry. I love my lunch setup and I want to add some stuff to it. But I need to move it all around. Anyway. When that day comes, I’ll show you. But that day is not today, lol!
This week is going to be a really big week. If you are the praying type, please do carry us in your prayers 💜 Every day is big, and they carry much change. Large tests of faith are in order, and we are here for them 💪 but prayers are greatly appreciated.