Two Front Teeth

Child number 🖐 finally has officially lost her two front teeth!!! One front tooth finally came out shortly before Christmas, but try as we might, no one could convince her to yank the other before Christmas. No corny songs could be sung over the holidays about her two front teeth, and all were disappointed, except her, who was happy to still have the one.

However, that little tooth was hanging lower and lower, and for a few days, she worked at it. She really wanted it out. She would often be seen with a kleenex in hand, and she’d give her tooth a pull here or there when she had worked up the courage. No dice. She petitioned a couple of kids to help her but no one could get it, and she was tiring of how much it hurt when someone was unsuccessful at trying to pull her teeth.

So, full disclosure, I think teeth falling out is super sketchy and gross. I’ll do it for my kids, of course, but I really don’t like it. Its not my thing. I hated losing teeth as a kid, but my kids think its awesome. Wavys tooth was so bothersome to her that when she asked me, I decided to be brave and say yes, and give it my level best and pull that thing out.

And guys. It was surprisingly in there! Like, locked in! So I told her it wasn’t ready, and she was bummed. I encouraged her to keep working at it, and she walked off, soggy kleenex in hand.

It wasn’t long before I noticed that one front tooth was a bit more central, with space on both sides, and was riding lower. She asked me again for help and I said yes. It was time. It HAD to come out!

And I kid you not. It would NOT come out. I yanked truly with all my might and I even shook it a little, and gave it some twist. I made it bleed, but that sucked STAYED!!!

So when Brady was around next, she went to him and asked if he would pull it. He said yes and then she got super nervous. But she stood bravely and Brady pulled it out quickly. She jumped a little, wide eyed, and then cried 💜 Poor little sweetie.

She had some blood and tears and then I showed her how she looked in my phone and all was right with the world.

When all was said and done, Brady had looked at me with a bit of surprise in his face and said that, as little as was still holding that tooth in, it was STRONG! I was mildly validated by that, not having been a weakling after all, but rather, it was truly super in there still!

Whew! The toothless wonder is finally here. My last kid to lose her two front teeth, which is an adorable stage of life for the kids 💜

Anyway. She’s a cutie 💜 Nice gums, girly!