Twelve Hours

We are home. I feel like we may never, ever leave again. Haha! I’m not a hater, the trip was lovely. But today was the worst for my sickness so far, which made for a pretty lame day for me. The kids, on the other hand, did AMAZING! Only the last 1.5 hours were rough-ish. The rest, they surprised us by listening well and being easily entertained. We drove through the mountains the Dekker just stared at the scenery and all the vehicles we passed on the tight road. We saw bits and pieces of wildlife that we don’t commonly see around home too.


One little black bear on the way there and on the way back.


Long horned sheep?? We saw a group of six of them just strolled along the shoulder around Radium.

I’m just gonna add a few more pictures from the trip, as the details get a bit fuzzy (and boring) without them. As I mentioned before, it was a looooong drive. Over twelve hours on the road.


First thing in the morning (as in before 7am) Dekker rocked Laela’s car seat in an effort to keep her content while we grabbed the last of our stuff.


Anyone else have this pet peeve?!?! A very literal nine times out of ten, when I order my tea at Tim Hortons, the strings from the bag are right where a person drinks from!! Who plans that?!


First nap on the drive. I LOVE when he hangs his lip out like that. When he’s sleeping, anyway. Just in day to day, I find it considerably less cute.


Wuzzy. I dunno, wuzzy??


This made me giggle. I have to give Wetaskiwin a shoutout for their Walmart. The fact that this sign even had to be there was humor enough. I also saw a woman put her child up in a car seat on a high shelf, only to become furious at her for peeing in the car seat. Awesome, right?


Nap number two. The little boy was bushed and hadn’t napped when Laela did, so this was not an especially restful sleep.


This is his “Laela, pleeeaaase shut up!” face 🙂


Feeling better after stopping for some food only 45 minutes away from home. There was just no way they were going to last. It was a good decision to stop. Happier kids anyway.


SOOO HAPPY TO BE HOME! Easily the cutest little girl that has ever existed. Hands down.


Mommy!!! Play toys!!!!!


One in bed, one to go. What a day its been. And check us out – still smiling!! 😀

It is so very good to be home. I am thoroughly looking forward to tomorrow. It will consist of three things.


Sleep deep, guys.


SO Glad you got home ok!!:) Love you guys for coming and making the trip!! It was a great time and love the pictures!!:) Sleep well!