While I’ve had a handful of sad, difficult moments this Christmas, I am truly enjoying my holiday! There are lots of factors playing into that, including music, delicious food, company, sleeping in, lots of coffee, all the presents, having Brady and the kids home, etc.
I spent yesterday with Cher as she settled into her new place on her first full day there. We ran an errand or two, unpacked some bags, but most importantly, we broke in the tv area with some pizza and a showing of Bird Box. That wasn’t unsettling AT ALL. 😰 Once the movie was over, we chatted for a solid 3.5 hours before realizing that it was time to go home! Whoops! (Remember that time I promised I wouldn’t overstay??) It was a super lovely day, though. I was greeted warmly by my husband, who made sure no one scary was in my garage before I drove into it, and spent the rest of the evening snuggled up in our ice cold room, watching some New Girl. Two more days to finish the series before its kicked off Netflix!!
Today has been another fun day! We spend the morning and early afternoon with SO MUCH FAMILY!

We caught up with siblings, chatted, read the Christmas story, opened stacks more gifts, and ate ourselves silly at lunchtime. It was so much fun, and felt SO good to be all together. The kids were completely elated to have so many cousins to play with!
After nap time, we went our separate ways. Our kids were all breaking down, so we headed home and though it was already a bit late for naps, we decided to put everyone down for about an hour. And when we went to go get them, even the big ones had slept! Dekker and Solly were still sleeping!
The name of the game for the rest of the day is relaxation. The kids are wiped to the point of even them knowing it! They don’t want to go play outside or do anything specific. They want to be quiet, color, play, and have a light snacky supper. Sounds perfect to me!

The teething machine is also in full support of our relaxed plan for the rest of the day. Her personal plan is to nap, and while she’s not napping, to chew her arms rather than every other teething thing we offer her. Which is her prerogative, I suppose.
I wish you all a restful, joyful day.