Its felt like a long week, and no one had ANY energy to make supper. But, believe it or not, everybodys gotta eat. Brady, Cher, and I had a supper plan to eat while we watched a movie night. This has not happened in MONTHS, so it felt kind of sacred. So we knew our plan, but not the kids.
So we decided, since they weren’t getting pizza hut and cake, they should get a different treat supper. And thankfully have some pretty delicious things in our house!

The plan was popcorn for supper. Brady makes amazing stove top popcorn, and its only gotten better since we were gifted a whole Scheiders gourmet popcorn popper set! That was an INCREDIBLE gift! Its changed the popcorn game that we didn’t know could get any better than it already was! A huge win!
While Brady made popcorn, I got it into my head that they needed something a bit more filling with it. So I scooped a huge blob of peanut butter into a bowl and threw in a handful of chocolate chips. Melted it down as I chopped up an apple for each kid. (PS have you noticed many apple bags now only have about ten apples in them?? That is literally gone in two days in my house…)
Supper went over well.

The kids EASILY ate the whole apple each, and a couple of bowls of popcorn. It was a delicious supper, and one I didn’t even feel that guilty about serving them. It was also really refreshing not having to argue with anyone to convince them to eat it. SUCH a win.
Ours was still better 💜

Don’t worry, Brady thought it was funny 🙂 And completely delicious.
We watched the first half of Hamilton, which we haven’t done in months, but feels like decades. We enjoyed it so much, and the kids enjoyed listening to it.
It was a great evening for everyone.