I am SO grateful that both Brady and my mom were able to make it out this year, because I could make it to my appointment this afternoon, my mom could stay with the nappers, and Brady could take Laela to the afternoon events. We had someone for everything! It felt a bit helter skelter, and we only have one kid in school this year! Its going to get tricky in the years to come, thats for sure!!
Dekker went through each event happily, unconcerned about where he placed or how anyone else did. With our last name being near the beginning of the alphabet, he has to go first for almost everything, which was really too bad last year, because he was so nervous. This year, he just went for it! We missed videos of a lot of his first runs at things, because he’d just go for it!
While the little boys napped, Brady took Laela to Dekker’s afternoon stuff.
The very last event was relays, and while it was on his schedule, we learned towards the end of the afternoon, the grade one class doesn’t do the relays. They’re welcome to go home early, or they could play outside for a bit and then go in and watch some videos. We opted to let him stay at school and play. I got back from my appointment in time to go get himself. And WOW, was he tired! Not grouchy, but super wiped out from his day! The teachers in his class had to kind of bring him “back” out of wherever he had zonked out to, and off we went.
The last picture of our sleepy little champion…
The dirt and condiments on his face, his sunscreen-slicked hair, and his tired smile read as a perfect day! Now wish us luck for the evening! Everyone is solidly overtired, even the nappers, and my body is pretty sore. Should be interesting, but all worth it for the busy day that was had.
Great job, Dekker!!! You did AWESOME! I’m SO proud of you!