Tornado Warning

We are home 💜 After a fairly short whirlwind weekend, we have arrived back at home. We made it through the tornado warnings and the rains that were SO strong, they had me pulling over on the side of the highway with my hazards on. That was a first for me, but I was far from the only one taking the shoulder. The rains passed and the clouds were gorgeous! There was a double rainbow that was being enjoyed by many others along the road, phones out, taking pictures of the sky.

Now, we are home, things unloaded and kids tucked in. No one is bathed, but campfire is not an offensive smell for a day or two. I’m ready for a hot bath. I have a cold and haven’t breathed easily all weekend, and I miss that.

That’ll do it. A bath. A snack. And bedtime. Sounds like a recipe for a lovely night at home in my own bed, where I’m not sharing 300 ish square feet with my eight kids… 😅

Sleep well, all. It’s the last week of school! Enjoy a couple of quiet moments while they exist!