Oh my goodness! These are such beautiful, crazy, busy days!! These are the days I’m not mad at the quarantine. Days where I just live in my little bubble where we’re playing in the yard, getting things done, making our property finally look like people live here!
Yesterday, we got ALL of our topsoil delivered and spread, and some fresh gravel for our driveway.

That alone makes SUCH a difference to our property, I can’t even believe it. It felt like everyone around us was so excited for us to finally be taking that step, and that just made it more exciting!
As if the land development wasn’t enough, our neighbour texted us that he had seen a trampoline on someone’s front yard, marked “free.” Its smaller, and decently beat up, but a trampoline is a trampoline! He offered to take his truck and go get it for us, so Brady hopped in and they were back within ten minutes with a trampoline 😳 That felt pretty insane.
I tried it first…

And then everyone else 😉

I was actually really surprised at how well Wavy did on there! She’d bounce once or twice, and plunk down and laugh like crazy. Everyone was SO thrilled with their new trampoline! Thank you, Adam, for bringing it to our attention and picking it up for us!
SO much is still to come today! But I’ll share that tomorrow 😁 And in the coming weeks, hopefully we’ll finish the fence up! Eek!
Guys. Its happening. I’m LOVING this season!
Wow, looking good! Making giant strides now! 😍👍 So happy for you guys! Can’t wait to come see! And wow, a trampoline is just so great for kids. Just wears off the energy and so much fun for the kids and everyone! 😂
We’re SO happy with how it looks and feels. We’re WAY messier than we used to be, but we’re embracing it 😆