Tom Turns 60

Today was a terribly important day. Our dear grandpa Tom turned 60!!! 🥳 There was a special plan for him to come have a birthday supper at our house, but as the day wore on, I found myself doubled over with sickness and had to pull the plug. It was SO disappointing, but the day was not about me 💜 So the party was redirected and everyone met at his house for supper.

While I couldn’t be there to celebrate Tom in person, I hope he knows how much I truly love him, and how grateful I am to have him part of our family. A father figure to me. A grandpa to my kids. Someone who we can count on, no matter the request. Whether its building something with a kid, or teaching them about knife safety, or moving furniture, or bouncing a baby, or buying everyone cotton candy at a town event, Tom shows up.

Years ago, Tom and Rae joined us for a family brunch, and somehow he got stuck right in between the middle boys at the table. And while he visited, he served the children he could reach, cutting up their food for them and being so kind and present. There was something super extra special to me about that time, and it is something I will never forget 💜

I love you, Tom. I’m sorry I missed your party. I hope you felt happy and celebrated and truly cherished, because you are.