Today’s Runaround

I will be out of the house for a few hours this afternoon, and I am SO APPRECIATIVE of the help I have at home making it so I can go kid-free!!!

Well. Except for the part where I bring one kid in for a visit with their parents. But then I have a couple of hours to get things done!

Uuuuunfortunately, the most important thing I have to do is RIGHT in the middle of those hours. So with the list of things I need to do, it is a sure thing that I will be running the entire time. Which has become a bit of a norm.

In the two hour window that I am kid-free, I need to hit Walmart for a few important things: formula, flour, pumpkin puree, and some of Rowan’s snacks. I need to hit Schaan Healthcare to pick up an item that was funded through the foster association. I need to hit Bulk Barn for some baking ingredients. And I really really want to join Brady at his radiation review appointment. I know that one is technically not a need because he’s a whole adult, but its also the top priority. My mom is driving Brady in to his therapy today because he didn’t want to be stuck in the city the entire length of the visit. Which makes sense. But its an important day at RT (radiation therapy) and I want to be at the meetings I couldn’t be at last time around, thanks to covid.

Do you guys think I can get it all done in two hours? 🤣 I’m sure gonna try!!

Oh and Amazon will be delivering something to our house today. Somehow. I miss having a road. *sigh*

I still really need to order laundry machines! Goodness!

Not. Enough. Minutes.

