Todays Five Things

Not to be super vague or anything, but here are todays five things:
  1. Three out of my four kids have snotty noses and red moustaches. Additionally, three out of my four kids are napping. Not the same three, though. Yay, Rowan, for dodging the cold! Also, you’re next.
  2. Our always-lovely friend, Cher, dropped off a big bag of soft little costume hats for my kids today, along with bunny ear headbands, chicken beaks on elastics, and a handful of other fun stuff like that! Her timing couldn’t be better, because Dekker has next week off and I guarantee that time has now been filled with dress up.

    Some were SO cute!!

    And others completely horrifying…

    Buuut we’re thankful for the most part 😳

  3. Last summer, my mom and I planned a day to pickle together. We went to the famers market and bought all the stuff, and made plans for the next morning. Except I spent that very night throwing up guts up. It blew (literally) but my mom dutifully pickled ALL of the pickles for both of us, around 50 jars. Today, they are just tasting extra delicious. Seriously, you should all come try my moms pickles.
  4. In case you missed it, I have an operational belly shelf! It can finally hold my coffee if I’m sitting back a bit. It cannot yet handle a full plate of food, but that will come with time. I balloon like a crazy person towards the end of a pregnancy, so give it another month or two and this thing should be out in full force!
  5. Bambina has taken to kicking me directly in the butt. It is an awkward feeling that I’m not too fond of, but she’s growing, which is fabulous, and is likely just turned in at those moments. But seriously, RIGHT in the butt. Also, lightening crotch is a thing that it feels a little early for. Leave my cervix alone, weirdo.

Five fun facts, done and done! I guess I shouldn’t assume they were fun. Felt like a good day for a weird post 🤷 Hopefully you can hack it!