Today was for enjoying a warmer day, with sunshine and no rain. It was for starting to pack things up for Fall, and thinking ahead. It was also for staying exactly in the moment and the ability to say “there’s always next weekend.”
Today was for saying goodbye (for now) to friends we have really enjoyed getting to know over the last couple of weeks. It was for speculating when we will hopefully see each other next.
It was a day for crocheting by the fire. Eating s’mores. Listening to Brady noodle on the guitar. Making whipped coffee with the leftover chocolate milk.
Today was for teaching lessons in yarn work and wood chopping.
Today held a lot of laughs, a lot of restful conversation, and even some peace. It was a day to truly enjoy and have as little pressure as possible.

Today was a beautiful day. What a bizarre, terrifying, peaceful time of life. Thank you Lord.