
Its the times over here. Times are a little extra tricky right now. Mobility is down, and its more of a struggle every day for Brady to move around.

Someone gave us a stair lift a couple of years ago, and we’ve stored it ever since. We were told the last time they tried to turn it on, it didn’t work. Possibly just a simple wiring issue. So we were still very grateful to have it for free! I dragged that beast out of the garage and into our house this morning, and we’re getting into it now, trying to sort out whether or not its going to run. Please say a prayer it does.

Or, if you are the praying type, and we come to mind, please don’t hesitate to pray for us in general. For Brady. There is some figuring to do, and the long limbo wait time is a really hard hill to climb, especially when your legs work less and less each day.

On this somewhat downer note, I give you this giggle for the day.

Who knew chihuahuas look like muffins?!

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