I had to duck out with everyone today for a little bit. The Lemon Drop had an appointment. It was my first time taking everyone together! While we didn’t all go in anywhere, but we went out together, haha! Basically, it was my first time packing a diaper bag for all three babies.
It was an easy one. It was only going to be a short outing. Only bring a little bit of everything.
I made an 8 oz bottle. And a 4 oz bottle. Both overkill, but offered me some security in case it took a little longer than planned. I filled a sippy cup with water, and added a nutrigrain bar to the bag. Wipes. And – the best part – three different sizes of diapers.

Yes. Having three babies is a lot, especially when you’re trying to adjust to the new one and learn all the ins and outs. But some of these novelties never get old 💜
I’m VERY grateful for the life we’ve been given.