We have had solid nights of sleep for the past couple of weeks, and its been sooo nice! Having Laela give us full nights has been such a treat, and I think I can speak for both Brady and I when I say that we feel a lot more rested.
Miss Laela has been teething her heart out the last little while, popping two teeth in May. She gets a bit fussy, but really not bad at all. Nothing an extra nap and some cuddles won’t fix. I also learned today that she is much happier to be sitting on the floor. This is a completely new discovery. Up until now, she liked to lay on the floor or be up in a jumper of some kind. But over the last couple of days, she just wants to sit. Luckily, she’s getting really really good at it.
So her fussiness has been pretty easy to cure, and other than that, she’s just napping a bit more than usual. We knows she’s teething. So when she woke up last night, we had compassion. Granted, we didn’t rush to her immediately at all. She wasn’t crying really at all, but she talked and sort of whined a little. She did this for an unreasonable amount of time before Brady and I realized that she was probably uncomfortable. As soon as we came to that, we headed right to her. She wasn’t super worked up or teary, just a bit frustrated. This being her first midnight wakeup in so long, we were refreshed and happy to see her. I changed her diaper and gave her a little shot of Tylenol while Brady made a very small bottle for her. She went back down easily and we all fell back to sleep. Brady and I both agree that the wakeup call didn’t set up back in the morning at all. It was a nice little treat, rather than the annoying sleep-suck that her nighttime feedings were starting to feel like.
And guess what. I was right!! The little Miss woke up with a brand new tooth this morning! She has popped three teeth in the last three weeks!!! All top teeth, too! So she has her bottom middle ones, her top middle ones now, and one off the side of those. I am sooo grateful for my (so far) easily teething kids!
Let’s all clap for Laela!!!
*clap clap clap clap clap*
clap clap clap 🙂 Good for you sweet Laela.
She LOVES clapping!! When I clap her hands, she just opens them right up and smiles and smiles 😀