Thank you for the warmth surrounding yesterdays post. Brady and I marked our anniversary with a delicious supper after the kids went to bed. Today we have the chance to go out on a date, so we have a plan to go out somewhere we have a gift card for this evening, and kill some time around that. We aren’t exactly swimming in recreational money but we don’t need much to spend time together 💜 We’re looking forward to getting some time away from the house, just the two of us.
I won’t lie and tell you my mind is fully at rest, though. With the last year being so full, its hard to picture how it all came together SO fast. So reliving it in real time is pretty eye opening.
Today is February 8th. Last year, on February 8th, Brady had already had his MRI, around 7:30am. We had this entire day to wait for results of the MRI, knowing full well that Dr. Guselle was refreshing Bradys file constantly, looking for those results just about as eagerly as we were. And we did receive them. Today. Last year. February 9th.
Brady had a mass. Most likely cancerous. And it needed to come out. Brady would meet a neurosurgeon the very next day.
That was a lot of information.

You know those things that you process and prepare for that still end up kicking you in the gut and knocking the wind from your lungs?
Me too. 🤮
This day marked a gigantic time of uncertainty. But we didn’t even know it yet. At this point, we knew Brady would need surgery to take out a tumour. That was scary enough on its own. We had NO idea what was coming.
Oh, past Hailey and Brady, what I wish I could tell you. How I wish I could have prepared you better or stolen all that fear from your hearts. But if I could’ve helped you with all of those things, none of us would need faith. And we do. Now more than ever.
Lord, you brought us through this year. Please carry me through this week of memories and sorrow.
Hailey! I so love your transparency! The world needs us to be that so they can see God at work in and through us. God bless your journey with more faith more hope and more love! Love you kids. Deb
We love you too, Deb 💜 Thank you so much for your encouragement and support!