Its not everyday I have a handful of cute pictures from the short window of time before the kids are off to school. That hour or so is usually pretty busy and often feels somewhat rushed. But this morning was smoother than usual, and I want to share!
When I surfaced to get the kids up, my mom had gotten up early and was making pancakes and chopping cantaloupe!! That is a pretty special treat for a weekday breakfast! I got the girls up first, and Laela asked if she could get the boys up. It was pretty cute 😍

He was trying to squeeze her as hard as he could. They were both giggling like crazy. I loved it.
As the morning rolled on, and some people were ready and others weren’t, Brady read a story. It was one of those “order restored” moments.

The kids were happy and lighter than usual this morning. Laela and Dekker have taken to writing on our fruit. I’m not even mad at it, haha!

You may notice that the kids don’t look ready for school, but they are. Its pyjama day today!! I love that they wore matching onesies to school 😆

Its been a cute morning. And it still is. Wavy and Solly are playing magformers and singing made up songs. The sun is streaming in through a crack in the curtains, letting me believe its SO much warmer out than it actually is. Ignorance is bliss, in this case. We don’t get to be ignorant about a whole lots of things these days, so I’ll hold onto the weather as something I’m allowed to not know about.
Radiation at 1:00 today.