For some reason, the kids were done breakfast and washing up much earlier than usual. Not like early early, but before 8:00. I’m often left hounding them to finish around then, leaving so little time for organizing backpacks, getting dressed and brushed, etc. But not today! Today Dekker was completely packed and ready for school, and even made his own lunch, long before 8:00!
In true Dekker form, he headed to his bedroom and surfaced with a half-finished card from yesterday, and got to work on it. Its a very intricate design. He settled at the island with his paper and a bag of markers. As it often happens, he was almost immediately joined by his siblings.
He and Laela were sharing the markers, which isn’t always smooth, but today, was SO nice. Before Laela selected her marker, she asked him “Dekker, did you need purple next?” He admitted that it was the next color he wanted, but he said she could use it first. She surprised me by rushing back over to the coloring stuff in search of a second purple marker. Dekker had a moment of hesitation, and said he wanted his whole card to be make with smelly markers, and Laela said she’d use the one that didn’t smell. 😁 I was SO touched by this interaction, as small as it may seem. Its just, selflessness. In KIDS! Its hard to find, at least over here! But that one time that it happens in the midst of aaaaall the times that it doesn’t helps my heart so much. Its in there!! They KNOW the lesson! Its just hard sometimes. And I can really relate to that, also. Even as an adult, its not always easy to be selfless. Selfish is SO much easier!
I was excited to share this story on the blog, so I asked Dekker and Laela if I could take their picture.

I then backed up to include Rowan in the picture. They are SO familiar with being photographed, haha! Ro sat still for maybe half a second before he made his move on Dekker 😆

The others took their cue from Rowan, and the picture just got better and better.

I am SO proud of my kids. Its these moments that remind me that this is worth the work. That I’m not doing my children harm by having many of them. I am giving them lifelong friends, even when they argue and get tired of one another. I am SO fortunate to be able to pour into these beautiful little humans every day. I’m excited to see who they grow up to be!!!

I want to keep nurturing this little time that these three spend at the island, coloring, writing, etc. through summer. Do any of you know where to find some good activity books for young kids that don’t break the bank? Academic and/or playful 🙂 Preschool up to grade 2/3. Let me know!!