I’ve been doddling hard but the time has come to actually prep for the upcoming marketplace at Kinasao, considering it is THIS weekend!!! Ack!!! Everyone else is ready, and I’m over here…

Ah well. Nows the time! I’ve spent the last couple of days cranking out toques, and a few headbands. I have a giant stack of items that just need finishing touches done, loose ends tucked, etc. I’m trying to hit all the marks of neutral and brights, in adult and kids sizes. Its super hard to know what to all make and what will and won’t sell. Also, considering the forecast, who even knows how many patrons will arrive?!
Anyway. Half the fun of fibre arts are the fun yarn tunnels that get made when the skein of yarn doesn’t get moved during use. Its even more fun when there’s a surprise at the other end!

I’m ducking out this evening for Rowan’s parkour, which is probably for the best because I’ve been working on this all day long, hahaha! But tomorrow I’ll be back in action!
And if anyone is looking for a winter toque that is the color of their choice, with the pompom of their choice, now is the time, and I’m your girl!